To promote a new tourist route that the City Council of Cadiz has launched and focused on promoting the Phoenician sites and enclaves of the city, we were in charge of the creativity and design, as well as the production of the different elements. This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and by the Institute of Employment and Socioeconomic and Technological Development of the Provincial Council of Cadiz.
The action has mainly focused on two very different audiences: on the one hand the tourist who comes to the city and needs to know in an easy way which are the points of interest and on the other hand a young audience, children, who need to be told in a pleasant way about the past of the city. For this reason, taking advantage of the fact that the city already has a series of actions in other tourist routes, it was decided to:
a) on the one hand, to publicise the new Phoenician route to visitors. This was done by designing and producing some advertising mupis as well as signposting it in each enclave of the route by means of informative lecterns. This part was completed with triptychs where the different sites to be visited were explained in a brief but very graphic way.
b) On the other hand, for children, a didactic booklet was designed to explain the Phoenician origin of the city, customs, burials, etc... for this booklet, we based it on the figure of Mattan: Mattan is the name of the Phoenician found in the Archaeological Site of Cómico (one of the sites to be visited) and a child Mattan serves as a thread to be the interlocutor with the visitor. Characters (the father, the mother, the cat...) were developed to illustrate each of the sections of the educational booklet.
All the information was provided in four languages (Spanish, English, French and German) and was completed with an advertising spot of more than 2 minutes that encouraged visitors to get to know the Phoenician past of Cadiz.
CustomerIFEF CADIZServiceDesign, creativity, layoutYearAugust 2015